Ei Study



Technology in education has a great potential to improve the learning outcomes of students. However, the results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) study[1] show no appreciable improvement in student achievement in the countries that had invested heavily in digital technology for education. According to PISA findings, students (15-year olds) who use computers…

The RESET – A true story of ASSET’s influence on a teacher

The RESET – A true story of ASSET’s influence on a teacher

Bringing Process Skills to Science Classrooms

There is science all around us. Yet, understanding the whys and hows of various scientific processes (like why certain things sink while others float) is perhaps one of the most difficult tasks for a student to undertake (and therefore, for a teacher to facilitate!). Data (shared later in this discussion and as experienced by teachers)…

Can Kids Learn To Code Without Computers?

Can Kids Learn To Code Without Computers?

Young Learner’s Performance in Word Recognition

Word reading or decoding is an important skill. Needless to say, reading comprises a complex assimilation of skills. It may look effortless when we see a proficient reader read, but reading proficiency requires systematic instructions. As per the Simple View of Reading, which is a scientific method, reading has two basic components: word recognition (decoding) and…

Using Student Skipped Responses to Detect if a Test Paper is too Long

ASSET is a skill-based test that measures students’ conceptual understanding and benchmarks the performance of schools nationally with actionable insights and reports. Students get feedback on their areas of weakness, and teachers on concepts their students are not understanding. ASSET is offered in English, Mathematics and Science (for classes 3-10), Social Studies (for classes 5-9)…

How to Create a High-Quality CUET

by Sridhar Rajagopalan October 20, 2022 Reading Time: 4 min The article was originally published in Hindustan Times on 3rd October: Read the original article here The idea of a Common University Entrance Test (CUET) is inherently a good one. Since admissions to colleges test for similar subject proficiency, there is no need for multiple…

Dialect vs standard language acquisition and ed-tech solution

by Pratik Pande and Tanvi Parwal December 28, 2022 Reading Time: 5 min Today is Anil’s first day at school. Most of his day is spent in trying to understand what the teacher is saying. He fails to understand some parts of the language spoken at school. This is not how they speak at home,…

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