Ei Study

Gayatri Vaidya

Gayatri has been committed to creating a learning impact for children everywhere through building high quality assessments and learning programmes. Her deep belief in the unlimited potential of transformation of mindsets through systemic support and changes helps her continue to work with various stakeholders in the space of education to make learning possible.

What started as a stint to explore and to understand the education space, has turned out to be life’s calling for Gayatri. Meeting the students across different demographics and seeing how despite all the socioeconomic diversity, the students continued to strive, learn and grow- has been the biggest propeller for her. She believes that true education can open a vast array of development opportunities- socioeconomic upgrade being just one! For her, education is the greatest enabler and leveller.

When she reflects back at her professional journey of around a couple of decades, she finds herself fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with great mentors and amazing leaders who have made learning possible at scale and all those children from her she has continued to learn a lot about education & existence! For her, not a single day has gone without learning to respond to a challenge in a radically different way!

She continues to explore Foundational Literacy & Numeracy, Assessments at large scale and pedagogical research as part of her learning journey.

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