Ei Study

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k12 india

The Private School space in India

India's K12 education sector is one of the largest in the world, with over 254 million enrolments and 1.5 million schools. Private schools, including both aided and unaided schools, account for 46% of student enrolments in the country, making them a crucial player in the education space. Of the 5,00,000 unaided schools in India, 60,000 are premium private schools and 4,40,000 schools are affordable private schools. Despite the stagnant number of schools in the country, the share of urban schools has grown from 15% to 17% of the total 1.5 million schools in 2021.

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K12 Schools graph 1

The Private School space in India

India's K12 education sector is one of the largest in the world, with over 254 million enrolments and 1.5 million schools. Private schools, including both aided and unaided schools, account for 46% of student enrolments in the country, making them a crucial player in the education space. Of the 5,00,000 unaided schools in India, 60,000 are premium private schools and 4,40,000 schools are affordable private schools. Despite the stagnant number of schools in the country, the share of urban schools has grown from 15% to 17% of the total 1.5 million schools in 2021.