The learning power of PISA
Here is an arithmetic word problem. What percentage of Indian students would correctly answer option D? What percentage of students in classes 3, 5, and 7 would answer 130 years? Refer to the graph to see how close your guess is. Response data of English-medium private schools Note: The data is from about 750 –…
Foundational Numeracy: The state of grade 4 and 5 government school students
Learning with understanding: An imperative measure for digital transformation in education
The road is filled with the chatter of children, and Ha—No, let’s call the student ‘X’, and I’ll reveal why later—X joins the others as they pass through the gates of their school. X goes straight to the grade 9 classroom after the morning assembly. The first class is Mathematics. X has been at this…
What are Development Impact Bonds? A Development Impact Bond is a new way of financing in the social development sector. Primarily, there are five parties involved: the service provider (the one who provides with a product or service that will bring a positive impact to the recipients), the risk investor (the one who puts the…
“It is important to identify the ailment correctly before prescribing, let alone administering, a medicine.” The recently released National Education Policy document by the Indian government, advocates for assessment led-reform, and the word ‘assessment’ finds itself mentioned more than 40 times in the 40-page+ document.[1] Governments, international organizations, and other stakeholders are increasingly recognizing the…
Board Exams, Rote Learning and the Learning Crisis – Understanding the problem in-depth
From Real to Virtual: Taking Maths Online
In continuation to 7th September 2020 blog: Board Exams, Rote Learning and the Learning Crisis- Understanding the problem In-depth. The article throws light on the cause and solutions to the problems discussed in the previous article. The article appeared in the June 2018 edition of India Seminar. There are serious problems at every stage…