Ei Study


The Role Of Contextual Pedagogy In Creating Edtech Learning Content In Regional Languages: Needs, Challenges & The Way Forward

The Role Of Contextual Pedagogy In Creating Edtech Learning Content In Regional Languages: Needs, Challenges & The Way Forward

Assessing Oral Language Proficiency in Early Years

Does this ring a bell? Our children admire and cherish great communicators and want to be like them. However, often, they do not communicate competently or dread communicating even if they have the right understanding and knowledge and can surely pitch in their ideas and thoughts. They either fail to articulate their thoughts assertively or…

Making Learning Standards and Assessments Frameworks Useful

It is sometimes said that having a clear list of grade-wise learning outcomes is a critical part of improving learning levels in India. These, it is said, serve as clear goals and are hence useful for teachers and the education system as a whole. Our own experience of conducting assessments and learning programmes for about…

How To Create A World-Class Education System: Ei Dialogues With Andreas Schleicher

In a recent episode of Ei Dialogues, Sridhar Rajagopalan spoke to Andreas Schleicher, Director at the Directorate for Skills and Education at the OECD. A champion of a scientific approach to education, Andreas has pioneered the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and is one of the foremost thought leaders on education across the world….

AQAD (ASSET-Question-A-Day)- Daily Questions for Better Learning

For children, a test question usually brings about a sense of dread and anxiety, as it acts as a tool of assessment, making them rely on their ability to memorize to be able to respond to it. But what if questions were looked upon as a    means to help children learn? We, here at ASSET,…

Technology-Enhanced Items: Leveraging Technology to Enhance Assessments

Technology-Enhanced Items: Leveraging Technology to Enhance Assessments

Exploring Science Teachers’ Misconceptions

Exploring Science Teachers’ Misconceptions

Early Years Children Performance in Letter Recognition

In the last two years, school education has been impacted worldwide. Although, learning was not ceased despite schools being shut; the percentage of children living in learning poverty has risen. Despite schools and teachers working hard to maintain full learning continuity through different mediums like online classes, WhatsApp, TV or phone, the ineffectiveness of remote…

Decimals Matter!

At the 1984 Summer Olympics which was held in Los Angeles, U.S., P.T. Usha missed the bronze medal at the 400-metre hurdle race by only 0.01 seconds. A huge disappointment for the nation as the only chance of winning a medal in a track event was lost. As a young student I wondered the significance…

Using Research to Drive Instructional Design

Using Research to Drive Instructional Design

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